Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mah Gurrrls<3

(I had to do the picture myself, blogspot was acting up)

Are the BEST<

My girls :)
They have been there for me since day 1. I've known some for a couple of years and some half of my lifetime haha They've been there for me through thick and thin. Soft and hard ;) haha I love them all to death and beyond that. They've always had my back just like I've had theirs. They know me inside and out ;) Hah! I will k.o. a bitch and chop some balls off for them. I can trust them with anything and everything. I can tell them my deepest secrets and they won't judge me, they'll laugh but that's about it :P they have never once betrayed me and I doubt they will haha

This nigha, this nigha is MAH nigha I've known her for what? 4+ years now? She's been there for me since day mo'focken one! I have never found anyone that can be compared to her. I adore her so mucho. She's so talented and dope. We always have something to talk about and some shit to do haha She's my hair partner, plug partner, and (strip) club partner haha she always listens to what I have to say and gives me the best advice. She accepts me for who I am. She has my back just like I have hers. We have alot of things in common like laugh at 15 year old "scene" girls while we point at them haha We're the 10:45 girls and proud of it ;) She's just hella dope and well haha I love her and her family haha Don't hate :p
She's the dopest dope, man. ILY<333

Ahh Monica She is so sweet :) I've known her for like a year or two not so long but it seems like I've known her for like ever! We don't live close but she's still always there for me. She's like my guardian angel. She's helped me so much. The day I broke down she was there for me. She literally saved my life, and as I told her, I can never thank her enough. She's always there to listen to my problems and give me advice. We gossip like crazy even though we don't even know the people we talk about haha But seriously, I love her alot. She has my back and I have hers ;)
ILY Girl<333

Monica aka Moniqua<333
Oh man this chick she is the ghetto of all ghetto haha I've know her for years dood! YEARS! Fucking 10+ haha she's watched me grow and change physically, emotionally, mentally, etc, especially sexually ;) haha She's dope as hell though. My family messes with her alot but she knows it's just thug love. She always listens to me and laugh at the bad things, but that's Moniqua. I've helped her with her hair, her MOM haha and everything she needs help with. She always has my back and I know she'll knock a bitch out. She listens to my retarded problems and like I said she laughs at them too. Every time I need help she's always one of the first ones there for me.

Mah nigha haha This dood is dope as hell. She's always down for shows and all that nonsense I always do (well when she can) haha I've known her for 4-5 years now since she went to my High School. And ever since the day I met her she's been the same nice girl I've known well kinda haha she always listen to my dumb stories and always tries to catch me singing haha We have so many fucking memories dood, like the Art club, Photography club, not listening in class, etc. She's down as hell and peaceful, somewhat haha She's a really dope friend to have and I know she's always there for me just like moi.
"A show is a show"
( My quote to her haha)

Mah gurls are the ones that no one can ever compare to. The ones I will always love. the one i will always hold a special place in my heart for. The ones that will always have my back and the one that I will always be able to call my girls<3

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