Tuesday, August 25, 2009


"What is a friend? A single soul, dwelling in two bodies" - Aristotle

So lately people have been talking to me about how I push my friends away and about how much I don't care about them. WTF!?!?!?! Seriously, c'mon. My friends are the second most important thing to meh, right under my family. I posted a bulletin yesterday on myspace about it. And I shall repeat myself once more. My true friends know who they are and that they are not being pushed away.

But if your someone that considered themselves as my friend and feels that way, well then you just AREN'T a good friend. You should do what you have to do and try to get closer to meh and talk to meh about it instead of just saying that anonymously. And if you think that "it's a waste of time" then just get out of my life, it's that fucking simple. Don't waste your time or my time.

True friends stick by you no matter what. Even if it means that they are minutes away or miles away. If you talk everyday or talk once every 2 weeks.

Who ever told meh that I push my friends away should think before they speak. If your someone who has distant yourself from meh then that's on you but if your someone close to meh then just talk to meh about it, seriously. I'll understand. I really will.

My best friend:
Carlos. He is seriously the only one that I have ever opened up so much to. He knows meh more than anyone else does in this whole entire world. More than myself. I honestly think that if everyone in this whole world vanished and he was the only one that remained, that's all I will need to survive. He would bring meh happiness and just everything I need. I see him as the little brother I never had, the little brother I always wanted. The one I can punk with and fight with, the one I can have a burping contest with, and the one that I can go to for anything. I yelled at him for acting dumb and doing dumb things, laughed at him for saying stupid things, and cried when he said the most saddest or something the most beautifulest things to meh. I always went crying to him when something happened to meh, and I always went to him to tell him all my gossip. Sometimes he would get annoyed, bored or tired of it but he always listened to it. No matter what. He is my everything. My other half. My little brother. My best friend. My Carlos. And even though he is no longer with meh I still love him. I still laugh at the things we used to talk about and cry about the things he tells meh. Every time I see a new message from him I get so happy. I stop everything I do and just focus on what he says. I miss him more than words can explain. I sometimes cry at night because I just miss him so much. But love him much more.

Well I got out of topic but seriously talk to meh about it. I appreciate everyone that is in my life no matter how close you are to meh or not. But if you don't feel that way and don't even want to try to change your "feelings" I guess all you can say is bye. Don't need you to be wasting my time.

Ok, well, gotta go dye my hair. FINALLY. HAh!


1 comment:

  1. I think this person right here needs to get a hold of what they are thinking and just think to themselves and think about what THEY are doing and stop blaming others for their problems. or why they are thinking the way they are thinking, if that made sense.

    Hopefully whoever wrote this to you grows up a little and makes some changes.

    by the way, hope your hair comes out well.

