Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hmmm :(


I had a dream with Carlos in it.

I honestly don't know what to say or think about it.

In my dream:
Umm well I traveled who knows how many miles to go see him. It took meh forever to find him and forever to not get caught. I ran away from home to go see him. After I found him I didn't know what to do but just stand there and look at him with a blank stare. Then he walked towards meh with this hug smile and hugged meh and that's when it had hit meh that he was right in front of meh. I hugged him back and started crying. He told meh it was ok that I shouldn't cry, and all I could say back was "I know but I missed you sooo much, you have no fucking idea." He then hugged meh tighter. After that he was like "C'mon let meh introduce you to my family" And I met his mom, grandma, cousins, almost everyone I can think of. And we were chilling, we were in a pool and drinking some juice and just having a good time. Like a week later we went to like a store and looking around holding hands and joking around like any other best friend relationship would be. And suddenly like cops showed up telling meh I had to go back home. Carlos was like wtf and that's when I told him that I ran away from home to see him and he was like "Why? You didn't have to do that", all I could say back was "I just missed you alot" so after a while I went back and packed my stuff and we said out goodbyes. I gave him a hug that seemed sooooo real, like I never wanted to let go. And I left crying all the way home.
About a month or so later I got a packet in the mall it was from Carlos but there was no address, number, nothing to get in contact back with just his name. It was a CD though. I didn't know what it was for, but it had a note inside that had a number and said "This is for my brother please call him and tell him to go pick it up" And I asked the mailman if he had info about the package he said he didn't and left. So I called the number and it was his brother and I told him Carlos had sent him a CD he said he wasn't in town but when was he would go pick it up ASAP.

After that everything became a blur and I don't remember it all.
Literally, one of the saddest dreams I've had in a while. I always have the weirdest dreams ever, and each one of them always sends meh a message. I have seen people that have passed away send messages through my dreams, I have seen events or even tragedies that will happen in the future and just random things like that. I'm not scared of it or anything I'm cool with it all and just take it as it is.

Hmm, I dunno. Carlos is the #1 person I always think about. I can never get him out of my head. I can't wait to see him. I know I'm going to see him. It's going to happen. No matter what. I know that for a fucking FACT.

I have to think about stuff.

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