Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's been a year...

...and up to this day it is still hard for meh to accept that my Richard is not here anymore. Since the second I woke up all I can think about is him. I miss him so much, words can't even explain it. He was so sweet, funny, nice, and he was just a great person. He helped meh so much with everything. I miss his messages and the shit he used to say and how after EVERYTHING I would say he ALWAYS had something to say too. Since he passed I went through so much, but I know that he is still helping meh from above. He's the angel got sent meh but then took from meh, but I understand it was his time and it was bound to happen. I have never found someone that can replace him, and I, honestly, don't even want to.

I miss him so much :(

12/01/1984 - 09/30/2008


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